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Version: 24.08

Returns a list of identifier mappings of an identifier to a BPNL/A/S, specified by a business partner type, identifier type and identifier values

Find business partner numbers by identifiers. The response can contain less results than the number of identifier values that were requested, if some of the identifiers did not exist. For a single request, the maximum number of identifier values to search for is limited to ${} entries.

Request Body required
  • businessPartnerType string required

    Possible values: [LEGAL_ENTITY, ADDRESS]

    Specifies if an identifier type is valid for legal entities (L) or addresses (A). Sites (S) are not supported.

  • idType string required

    Technical key of the type to which the identifiers belongs to

  • idValues string[] required

    Values of the identifiers


Found bpn to identifier value mappings

Schema array
  • idValue string

    Value of the identifier

  • bpn string

    Business Partner Number
